Friday, July 8, 2016

The significators or karakas of various houses are as under:-

The twelve houses are known an Tanu (Physique), Dhana (Wealth), Sahaja (Younger brother/ Sister), Matru (Mother), Putra (Progeny), Ari (Enemies), Kalatra (Spouse), Ayur (Longevity), Dharma (Religion), Karma (Livelihood), Labha (Gains) and Vyay (Losses) 

The significators or karakas of various houses are as under:-

1st House Sun
2nd “ Jupiter
3rd “ Mars, Mercury
4th “ Moon, Venus
5th “ Jupiter
6th “ Mars, Saturn
7th “ Venus
8th “ Saturn
9th “ Sun, Jupiter
10th “ Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and Saturn
11th “ Jupiter
12th “ Saturn

Significations of Planets
Sun - Father, influence, energy
Moon - Mother, mind
Mars - Brothers, courage
Mercury - Profession, speech, education,
Jupiter - Progeny, wealth, prosperity wisdom
Venus - Marriage, material comforts, pleasures
Saturn - Longevity, sorrows, delays
Rahu - Maternal relations
Ketu - Paternal relations

Grouping of Houses

Angles or Kendra Houses : 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th
Trines or Trikona Houses : 1st, 5th and 9th
Succedent or Panapara Houses : 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 11th
Cadent or Apoklima Houses : 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th
Upachaya or Favourable Houses : 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th
Evil or Trik Houses : 6th, 8th, and 12th
Death inflicting or Marak Houses : 2nd and 7th

Significators (Karakas) in Astrology

There are 3 kinds of karakas as per P.V.R. Narasimha Rao

(1) Naisargika karakas (natural significators, 9 in number).
(2) Chara karakas (variable significators, 8 in number), and,
(3) Sthira karakas (fixed significators, 7 in number),

Naisargika karakas shows everything that exists in the creation. They include Rahu, Ketu and the seven planets. They are presided by Brahma.  Naisargika karakas show not only human beings, but they show various impersonal things and matters. They show everything that exists in Brahma’s creation and affects a person. Naisargika karakas are very useful in phalita Jyotish, i.e. analysis of general results.

Chara karakas include Rahu and the seven planets. They do not include Ketu, as Ketu stands for moksha (emancipation) and does not stand for any person who affects one’s sustenance. Chara karakas are presided by Vishnu and they show people who play a role in one’s life. As Vishnu presides over activities related to sustenance, achievements and spiritual progress, chara karakas show these aspects of one’s life. Chara karakas show people who play an important role in one’s sustenance and achievements. Examples are – mother, father, wife, advisors etc. Chara karakas are very useful in Raja Yogas and in spiritual progress. They also show how our karma (cumulative sum of actions) is carried from one life to another. Sthira karakas include only 7 planets because only they have physical bodies. They are presided by Shiva. As Shiva presides over death21, they show the destruction of body. Sthira karakas are useful in timing the death of various near relatives.

Chara Karakas

We use the following procedure to find chara karakas:

(1) Take the eight planets – Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu. For each planet, find its advancement from the beginning of the rasi occupied by it. For Rahu, measure the advancement from the end of his sign.

(2) Arrange them in the decreasing order of advancement.
(3) The planet with the highest advancement is Atma Karaka (significator of self).
We will denote him by AK. Find other chara karakas using Table 13.
Table 13: Chara karakas
Advancement Order Karaka Symbol Persons shown22
1 Atma Karaka AK Self
2 Amatya Karaka AmK Ministers23
3 Bhratri Karaka BK Siblings
4 Matri Karaka MK Mother
5 Pitri Karaka PiK Father
6 Putra Karaka PK Children
7 Jnaati24 Karaka GK (JK) Rivals25
Lowest 8 Dara karaka DK Spouse

If two planets have the same degrees, we should compare minutes. If minutes are same, we should compare the seconds. If two planets are exactly at the same longitude, then they will hold a karakatwa (signification) together and the next karakatwa will have no ruler. We should use the  corresponding sthira karaka in that case. However, this rarely becomes necessary, as two planets are rarely at exactly the same longitude.

The following is the list of sthira karakas:

Sun or Venus (stronger) 26: Father
Moon or Mars (stronger): Mother
Mars: Younger siblings, brother-in-law and sister-in-law (spouses of siblings)
Mercury: Maternal relatives (uncles and aunts)
Jupiter: Husband, sons, paternal grandparents and other paternal relatives (uncles
and aunts)
Venus: Wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law & maternal grandparents
Saturn: Elder siblings27

The use of sthira karakas has already been explained. They are presided by Shiva and they are used in the timing of death of the above relatives. They should not be used in general predictive astrology in the place of naisargika karakas. For example, some astrologers use the 7th from Jupiter instead of the 7th from Venus to predict marriage. However, Venus is the natural significator of marriage and the 7th from Venus should be used for predicting marriage, both in male and female charts. When predicting the death of spouse, we use Jupiter in female charts and Venus in male charts.28

Another difference between sthira and naisargika karakas is that sthira karakas themselves represent the physical bodies of the relatives. In the case of naisargika karakas, we must take the relevant house from the karaka. For example, Jupiter represents the physical body of husband in a female chart, for the purpose of timing death. For the purpose of timing marriage, the 7th from Venus (and not Venus himself) shows husband.

Chara karakas are also similar to sthira karakas in this aspect. We do not take the 7th from DK for spouse, but DK himself shows spouse.

Naisargika Karakas

We have seen that chara karakas are used in analyzing the influences of various persons on a native, from the point of view of sustenance, achievements and spiritual evolution. We have seen that sthira karakas are used in analyzing the death of relatives. In addition, we have naisargika karakas, who are the natural significators of various matters. These significations are used in general Phalita Jyotish. Table 15 gives a list of naisargika karakas. For example, the 4th house from Moon shows mother. The 5th house from Jupiter shows sons. If we want to analyze the birth of children or analyze some simple events from their lives, we should take the 5th from Jupiter. If we want to analyze some children-related troubles that punish one’s soul or if we want to analyze some achievements and happiness related to children, they will be more closely related to PK (putra karaka of chara karakas). If we want to time the death of a child, sthira karaka for children (Jupiter) should be used.

n addition, we have various other matters allotted to different planets in classics. The list of the natural significations of various planets is listed in Table 16. For example, Mercury and 5th house show memory and so the 5th house from Mercury shows memory.

Pisces sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

altars, nirvana
ambitions satisfied
not analytical
mercury hates, venus loves
auspiciousness, blessings
cessation of all efforts
common, watery, female
finality, arrived
hermitages, holy shrines
intuitive openness
karmas finished
jupiterian spirituality
lust is gone, love is pure
material connections absent
necessity has ended
nothing further
receptive, contemplating
rivers, wells, tanks, fountains
glory, fullness remains
meditation, peace, merging

Aquarius sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

annihilates personal ego
attachments destroyed
barriers must be broken
causing considerable
comforts sacrificed
destroys traditional moorings
divine push-material
drinks, intoxicating
effect is permanent
airy, fixed, masculine
frustrating results, externally
encourages esoteric
not a happy experience
flowing water
externally inauspicious
inferior grains
long lasting effects
machinery for aeronautics
orients one towards spirit
sacrificing for others
vulgarity, prostitutes
sacrifice of personal comfort

Capricorn sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

attacks tradition
badly in need of guidance
change, dissatisfaction
destiny, fate
destruction of traditional
difficulties, rebirth
doesn't like advice
doesn't like religion
excruciating pain
feminine, earthy, movable
hardening, hardship
has no feelings
inwardly satisfying
likes aggression much
likes being energized
likes hard work
low class, very controlled
mental torture
moving forward
mundane existence
offended by religion
sinful, slow

Sagittarius sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

armories, barracks
battlefields, military places
challenging, radical changes
common, fiery, masculine
confrontation, not comfort
creates turmoil
dharma of the cosmic deity
achieving god's grace
high ideals, aspirations
religious, spiritual quest
purposeful, not peaceful
regimentation, sadhana
transmutation, upward bound
shooting ones arrow
spiritual wanderings

Scorpio sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

avoids others, individualistic
caves, dark retreats
chaos , conflict, danger
destructive possibilities
devours the victim
feminine, fixed, watery
fight to the death
genitals, sex life
hidden aspects of life
impetuosity, tenacity
kundalini, mysterious
not motherly, moon hates it
directness in achieving
difficult to comprehend
psychic power
crevices, natural
occult, secrecy
selfishness, vindictiveness
sensitive to heat
unexpected developments
underground hiding places

Libra sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

balance between matter and
cannot remain stationary
cannot remain stationary
dawning of spirituality
dissatisfied inside
freeways, byways
markets, shops, malls
masculine, movable, airy,
material riches & absorption
mentally operative
not outwardly showy
not spiritual yet
oppositional forces
quiet on the surface
ready for change
saturn loves, sun hates
thirst for achievement
thirst for more
weighing values carefully

Virgo sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

attainment of siddhis, very
common, female, earthy
consciousness in bondage
female maiden, not married
female power
gambling, brothels
grain, grassy plains,
not enjoyable
places of exchange
psychic consciousness
secret organizations
strive for perfection
suffering for a noble cause

Leo sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

fierce in action
aggression, ambitious,
aspiring, creativity
attacks directly at front
can't stand restrictions
cannot adapt
centered on the self
choosy in social relationships
fiery, fixed, male
great by itself
leader, not follower
protector of its followers
mountains, palaces, jungles

Cancer sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

adaptable, changeable
always moving
appreciation, sympathetic
decisive actions
deep meditation, sleep
desires to be active,
difficulty with inaction
internally insecure
loves guidance & teachers
loves protection
movable, feminine, watery
picturesque localities
silently watches
strong grasp, hard to leave
sympathetic appreciation
uncertain of own potential
very religious
watery places, lakes,

Gemini sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

betting places
birth of intellectualism
brilliant, elusive
brothels, sexual hang outs
cinemas, countries, conflict
conjunction, fluctuations
creates duality, polarization
creative process
dance halls, theaters
experience, indulgence
intuitive, subjective
junctions, linking
libraries, parks
makers of vice-related items
manifestation, materialism
not contented
places where vice is found
sexual union, excitement
sparkling quality
subject seeing objects
where pretty girls live

Taurus sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

activity/adventure lacking
auspicious things in life
best, enjoyment
breeding capacity
comfortable, content, ease
earthy, materiality
full of desire
lands frequented by cattle
love, beauty, lust
mental happiness
not much movement
passive yet with vitality
pastoral fields
physically powerful
pleasures of life
romeo-male nature
sexuality, tremendous
springtime, passion, sex
urge to be creative
wealth, security
work unceasingly

Aries sign is Significator of following things in Astrology

ambition, aspiration, eager
autocrat with clean heart
desire to dominate, multiply
sense of desperation
energy for manifestation
very goal-oriented
forgiving, likes to pardon
ideals not yet achieved
not at all satisfied
head, start, beginning
feels constrained, impeded
newness where it influences
noble attempts
movable, masculine
places with internal fire
potential feels constrained
propound new theories
saturn hates, Ssun loves
spirit of the being
world-to-be not as-it-is

Ketu is Significator of following things in Astrology

acts, low And mean
artistic Taste
assimilates experience
spiritual authority
bestows riches
ending of bondage
breaking through limitations
careers too low for one
internal mental changes
separations, breaks
final emancipation, liberation
enlightening results
trouble through enemies
feelings of helplessness
negative habits, smoking etc.

Rahu is Significator of following things in Astrology

accidents, afflictions
astrologers, cosmic law
bad character, undesirable
begins to provoke radical
beyond help
cheating, corruption
cracks, crevices
destiny, destroys the past
devils, dangerous people
devourer of the moon
disenchantment with matter
divine plan revealed
good, but through troubles
hard times, immense pain
hysteria, insanity
imprisonment, inevitable law
insects, poisons
law, karma, supreme
must be endured alone
past lives debts
powerful, no escape
violence, vomiting
weaned, widowhood

Saturn is Significator of following things in Astrology

adversities, captivity,
austere, enjoyment denied
barriers, bondage, deterrence
black, blue, grey
dangers, destruction
dejection, depression,
destroyer of illusion
dreadful terms
endless, helplessness
frustration, introverted
humiliation, martyrs
inactive, lack of desire
low class ways/people
mental trouble
misery, misfortunes
monks, sannyasis
old persons, death, bones
persistent, patience
philosophers, profound
poverty, sorrows
power for austerity
profession in general
slow, gradual nature
thin, lean
unattractive to worldly people
undesirable things
worker class

Venus is Significator of following things in Astrology

arts, beauty, pleasures,
attachments to things
attraction to the opposite sex
capacity to enjoy life
care for ones body
charm, feminine graces
clothes, comforts,
cultured, delightful, sociable
fortune, fame
generative system
happiness, harmony, health
illusion, infatuation, passions
immortality, secret of
intoxicating drinks
love, lust, affairs, romance
making others happier
refined, polished
sex in all aspects
sexual & love happiness
wealth, prosperity, gems
wife, women, pink or rainbow
worldliness, not renunciation

Jupiter is Significator of following things in Astrology

protection, benevolence
affluence, fame
astrology, councilors,
religiousness, belief in god
priests, teachers, judges
children, guardianships
charity, generosity
contentment, laziness
fat, expansion, largeness
devotion, faith, hope
higher aspect of intelligence
fairness, justice, honesty
financial dealings
foreign affairs
god's grace in this world
honor, lawfulness
master of knowledge &
insurance, legal matters
medicine, occult science,
liver (purification of blood)
morality, conservative
optimism, peace, opulence
performance of sacrifices
perpetuation of established
philosophy, pilgrimage
religious vocations
reputation, trust
scriptures, vedas

Mercury is Significator of following things in Astrology

accuracy, analytical
adjustment, not originality
averse to love/devotion
communications, editing
comprehension, research
computer knowledge
convertible nature, sexless
diplomacy, discrimination
elegance, eloquence
fun, liberal
general success
green things
idealism, averse to
intelligence, knowledge, wit
intuition, memory, logic
journalists, mathematics
medicine, astrology
medium of truth, sciences
messengers, public speakers
polarization, its central
publishers, scholars
short distance day to day
skin, virility
speech, writing
study, books, education
vishnu (god)

Mars is Significator of following things in Astrology

ability to organize
accidents, bleeding, disaster
actions of heroism
aggressive, ambitious
averse to control
bases, military
caution, determined, enduring
chivalry, competition, combat
confidence, courage, daring
energy, impulsive, impatient
engineers, precision
goal oriented
hates opposition
inimical to idleness
Jupiter regulates him
love for work
manliness, princes
passion, extravagance
police, army, fire, rescue
red things
self confidence
self employed, nonsubordinate
strength, muscles

Moon is Significator of following things in Astrology

conception, childbirth
mental condition
feminine qualities
glandular system
groceries, commodities,
overall health
overall life (like first house)
want of practicality

Sun is Significator of following things in Astrology

bile problems
chest and head
eyesight, weak
impact of ones personality
political power
reliance on self

12th House in Astrology

Harm, punishment, confinement, expenditure, donations (given), marriage, work related to water resorts, vedic sacrifice, fines paid, sexual enjoyment outside wedlock, contacting sexually transmitted disease, weakness in sexual act, sleeping comforts, enjoying luxuries, loss of spouse, losses in marriage, termination of employment, separation from own people, long journeys, settlement in foreign land.

11th House in Astrology

Gains, prosperity, fulfillment of desires, friends, elder brother, ankles, left ear, advisers, favorites, recovery of illness, expectation, son’s wife, wishes, success in undertakings.

10th House in Astrology

Profession, fame, power, position, authority, honour, success, status, knees, character, karmas, ambition in life, father, employers and superiors, relationship between self and superiors, success in business, promotion, recognition from government.

9th House in Astrology

Fortune, religion, character, grand parents, long journeys, grandson, devotion towards elders and god, spiritual initiation, dreams, higher education, wife’s younger brother, brother’s wife, visit to holy places, philosophy, communication with spirits.

8th House in Astrology

Longevity, kind of death, sexual organs, obstacles, accident, unearned wealth, inheritance, legacy, will, insurance, pension and gratuity, theft, robbery, worries, delay, battles, enemies, inheritance of money, mental affliction, extramarital life.

7th House in Astrology

Spouse, personality of spouse, relations between life partners, desires, partnership, open enemies, recovery, journey, litigation, danger to life, influence in foreign countries and fame, relations between self and public, sexual or urinary disease.

6th House in Astrology

Disease, debt, disputes, miseries, injuries, maternal aunt or uncle, enemies, service, food, clothes, theft, ill fame, pet animals, subordinates, tenants, waist.

5th House in Astrology

Progeny, intelligence, fame, position, stomach, love affairs, pleasures, and amusements, speculation, past birth, soul, position in life, artistic talent, heart and back, proficiency in games, success in competition.

4th House in Astrology

Mother, conveyance, relatives, domestic environment, treasure, land, house, education, landed property, hereditary tendencies, later portion of life, hidden treasure, private love affairs, chest, interference in married life by parents-in laws and family, ornaments, clothes.

3rd House in Astrology

Younger brothers and sisters, cousins, relatives, neighbors, courage, firmness, valour, chest, right ear, hands, short journeys, nervous system, communication, writing – editing books, reporting to newspapers, education, intellect.

2nd House in Astrology

Wealth, family, speech, right eye, nail, tongue, nose, teeth, ambition, food, imagination, power of observation, jewelry, precious stones, unnatural sex, loss by cheating and violence between life partners.

1st House in Astrology

Body, appearance, personality, face, health, character, temperament, intellect, longevity, fortune, honour, dignity, prosperity, activity undertaken, advantages, all things, the seeds of appearance, general aspiration, attractiveness of the face, beginnings, birth potential, body, brain, capacity to enjoy, color, complexion, constitution, dignity of mother, as regards you dispositions, natural general state of health impact of the personality permission for other qualities, personality, pleasure/pain destined, previous lives wisdom, seeds of other things start in life, tendencies, natural vitality

What is significator ?

A planet may be taken as a significator of a person or of an event, or of affairs ruled by a House. Its strength by virtue of its Sign and House position and its relationship by aspects are then consulted in arriving at a judgment concerning a desired condition. 
In general the strongest planet in the Figure, usually the ruler of the Ascendant, is taken as the Significator of the native. Similarly the Ruler of the Sign on the cusp of the Second House is taken as the Significator of wealth, of the Seventh House of the partner, of the Eighth of the partner's wealth, and so on. Sepharial speaks of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven as Significators, but Alan Leo prefers to speak of them as Moderators, and includes Fortuna. 
The Sun and Midheaven are by some authorities deemed to have affinity as Significators of the honor, credit, and standing of the subject of the Figure, or of the surviving male head of the family; the Moon and Ascendant to have affinity as Significators of the personal fortunes, changes and accidents befalling the native; Mercury, of his learning, intellectual accomplishments or business acumen; Venus, of his love-affairs, social arts and accomplishments; Mars, of strikes, contentions, enterprises and risks; Jupiter, of wealth and increase; and Saturn, of disease, loss, death and decay. In this use there is danger of confusing the distinction between a Significator, as representing persons in Horary Astrology, and Promittors as representative of things promised or desired; but every planet in the Figure can be taken not only as the significator of something, but also as the Promittor of something.